Karonga School

Learning, Independence, Partnership

Telephone02 9868 1920



Karonga School offers a number of therapy services that are generously provided for or supported by our Parents & Citizens Association and the school.

School provides the expertise of the once-a-week consultation services of:

Behaviour Clinician

Occuptional Therapy

Speech Pathology


Art Therapy

P&C funded therapies: music therapy

Our music therapist, Bec provides a class-based music therapy program where she sees each class once a week for approximately 45 minutes. Bec also works closely with the school Learning and Support Team (LaST) to provide priority one-to-one music therapy support for specific students.


P&C funded therapies: swimming

Qualified swim teachers work with our staff and students once a week, for approximately 1 hour. The swim teachers and RFF teacher provide personalised whole class lessons where our students develop their swim safety and survival skills.


P&C funded therapies: hydrotherapy

This therapy is based on a physiotherapy approach, allowing our students with high support needs to access the water in a safe and enjoyable environment. It is also provided once a week for approximately 1 hour.


P&C funded therapies: art therapy

A qualified art therapist is funded on day a week to work with 4 classes for 1 hour. She as an art studio as her base however is flexible if students flair is best suited to their classroom environment. 


External (private and NDIS-funded) therapies

Private and NDIS-funded therapy will only be considered where there is a direct link with the student's Individualased Education Plan (IEP) and their NDIS plan. The Learning and Support Team (LaST), in consultation with class staff and the principal, give careful consideration to the impact of the therapy on all students in the class.

External therapy will only occur between 12:00 noon and 1pm or 1pm- 2pm for a ten-week period with shared goals and reports. 


There are 5 key steps for parents and carers who seek to have private or NDIS-funded services delivered at Karonga.

Parents and carers must:

  1. Speak to the class teacher.
  2. Complete the “Request For Therapy” form (provided by the class teacher).
  3. Meet and speak with the class teacher and school staff to discuss individual therapy session details.
  4. The school LaST (Learning and Support Team) will consider your request, while taking into account the needs of your child, other students, and the operations of the whole school.
  5. If the therapy service is agreed to, the service provider will enter into an agreement with the school and must meet important legal requirements.